Wednesday 25 February 2015

Squats and dead lifts

So I was introduced to the "BIG 3" by the personal trainer I saw; squats, deadlifts and bench presses.They're hard work but fun :)

Squats with a barbell I found fairly straight forward, I've been squatting for years, now I just need to get used to having a barbell on my back. I'm currently starting off 30kg to warm up and working up to 50kg. No idea if this is respectable for a newbie, but it works for me.

Deadlifts, never done these before, little bit weird, however I soon got the hang of them, I start off with 40kg for warm up and work my way up to 60kg. So almost my own bodyweight.

Brench press was very strange and I wobbled and shook a lot as I wasn't used to it. I think I started with 20kg and didn't really do any more as it was so weird. I was going to try again today but everyone else was hogging the bench.

I was also introduced to shoulder press with the barbell and bent over row, which seemed fairly straight forward but strange at the same time. But it's exciting learning new things!

Also I had a go with 90kg on the leg press machine, still as easy as 80kg. Next time I'll try 100kg.

I'm also dabbling with protein shakes post workout for the time being. Amazingly it has started to curb my tuna cravings (I was eating 20 tins a week, at my worst I had 6 tins in one day). So far I've tried SCI-MX ultra whey in strawberry and myprotein impact whey in rhubarb and custard. Both pleasantly yummy.

I'll post progress (if any) at the weekend.

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