Sunday 22 February 2015

Progress ish week 1

So it's been just over week since I measured myself and what not.
Today I did it all again.

Weight 154lbs (It's cold so I was fully clothed, not really fair comparison)

Bust 39 1/2
Waist 27
Hips 38 1/2
Thighs 22 1/2
Biceps 12
Calves 15 1/2

So I've gained 4 lbs (not really), lost half an inch on my waist already and gained half an inch on my legs.... WHAT!?!? This makes no sense. I know my legs gain muscle quickly but seriously? And the waist, well that fluctuates depending on how much is in my stomach, which is currently not very much at all.

Here's a progress shot or two:

I'm meeting up with a personal trainer soon so I will conquer my wussyness about free weights.

Also leg presses. I currently set the machine to 80 (I presume kg) when I leg press and that's not really that challenging but I'm taking it easy being a newbie. However all the other girls seem to have theirs at 15 or 20... are my legs really that strong or are they just weeds?

I've not really changed anything bar the odd protein shake (I figure that's better than my usual post work out mars bar) But my craving for tuna, bananas and milk continues and I've lost interest in chocolate which is odd.

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