Friday 27 February 2015

2 weeks

So it's been exactly two weeks since I first measured myself, things aren't going well results wise.
I'm suffering from DOMS - delayed onset muscle soreness. I weigh 155lbs now (5lbs increase in two weeks) and my measurements are increasing!?

Bust 39 1/2
Waist 28 (I'm bloated since eating a greasy KFC the other day, not my idea, I always regret it)
Hips 38 1/2
Thighs 23
Calves 15 1/2
Biceps 12

So my waist measurement is up, but I think that's due to bloating, damn my friend for insisting we get KFC it NEVER agrees with me. Nothing else has changed except my thighs which seem to be increasing dramatically, that's an inch growth in 2 weeks! Fat or muscle I don't know, probably both.

I'm a little disheartened at the weight gain, I was hoping to lose not gain, never mind onwards we go. I'm sure I'll start losing eventually. I'm starting to think maybe I should alter my diet a little.

I'm back to the gym later today, can't wait, though I'm still a little sore after Wednesday.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Squats and dead lifts

So I was introduced to the "BIG 3" by the personal trainer I saw; squats, deadlifts and bench presses.They're hard work but fun :)

Squats with a barbell I found fairly straight forward, I've been squatting for years, now I just need to get used to having a barbell on my back. I'm currently starting off 30kg to warm up and working up to 50kg. No idea if this is respectable for a newbie, but it works for me.

Deadlifts, never done these before, little bit weird, however I soon got the hang of them, I start off with 40kg for warm up and work my way up to 60kg. So almost my own bodyweight.

Brench press was very strange and I wobbled and shook a lot as I wasn't used to it. I think I started with 20kg and didn't really do any more as it was so weird. I was going to try again today but everyone else was hogging the bench.

I was also introduced to shoulder press with the barbell and bent over row, which seemed fairly straight forward but strange at the same time. But it's exciting learning new things!

Also I had a go with 90kg on the leg press machine, still as easy as 80kg. Next time I'll try 100kg.

I'm also dabbling with protein shakes post workout for the time being. Amazingly it has started to curb my tuna cravings (I was eating 20 tins a week, at my worst I had 6 tins in one day). So far I've tried SCI-MX ultra whey in strawberry and myprotein impact whey in rhubarb and custard. Both pleasantly yummy.

I'll post progress (if any) at the weekend.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Progress ish week 1

So it's been just over week since I measured myself and what not.
Today I did it all again.

Weight 154lbs (It's cold so I was fully clothed, not really fair comparison)

Bust 39 1/2
Waist 27
Hips 38 1/2
Thighs 22 1/2
Biceps 12
Calves 15 1/2

So I've gained 4 lbs (not really), lost half an inch on my waist already and gained half an inch on my legs.... WHAT!?!? This makes no sense. I know my legs gain muscle quickly but seriously? And the waist, well that fluctuates depending on how much is in my stomach, which is currently not very much at all.

Here's a progress shot or two:

I'm meeting up with a personal trainer soon so I will conquer my wussyness about free weights.

Also leg presses. I currently set the machine to 80 (I presume kg) when I leg press and that's not really that challenging but I'm taking it easy being a newbie. However all the other girls seem to have theirs at 15 or 20... are my legs really that strong or are they just weeds?

I've not really changed anything bar the odd protein shake (I figure that's better than my usual post work out mars bar) But my craving for tuna, bananas and milk continues and I've lost interest in chocolate which is odd.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Tasty Tasty

Why banana omelette? Well I like making pancakes made from bananas and eggs, however my friends lovingly refer to them as banana omelettes as I don't blend the mixture, I just mush it with a fork and the whole effect is somewhat more omelette than pancake. Still damn tasty though! I've put instructions on how to make them at the bottom.

So I've started this blog as I've started on a new fitness journey. After breaking my elbow on boxing day and realising I've suddenly lost all strength in my right arm as a result, I'm embarking on strength training/weight lifting to restore my strength, further improve it and also improve my bone strength. Hopefully in the process I'll shift my winter padding and look awesome.

There's a part of me that kinda wants to look like Jodie Marsh, which would be cool, but I'm also aware I don't have the time nor motivation to work as hard as she does.

This is me now with stats. The date should read 13/02/2015 whoops.

I weigh 150lbs currently (height 5'4), I'm looking to lose at least 10 lbs but given that's all winter padding with no exercise it'll be easy enough.

This is one of the books I'll be using, seems very comprehensive so far.

This is the current state of my biceps, personally I think they're terribly weedy, but a few people have pointed out that for a girl that currently does no specific training they're not too bad.

So exercises?
(Nearly) Every morning I've been doing 3 sets of the following
10 squats
10 lunges right leg forward
10 lunges left leg forward
Plank till I get bored which is anything between 30 seconds and 2 minutes
10 sit ups
10 side crunches

I'll introduce push ups and pull ups in the next few weeks, my elbow is still a little sore.

I've also been doing 5-10 minutes of hula hoop every day, it's hard work and bruises my ribs but good fun.

I've joined a gym too. I used to frequent the gym 5 times a week back when I was very eating disordered aged 15-17. But thankfully I'm recovered now. I've joined various gyms since but never stuck as I never liked them much. But this one seems promising so I've signed up for 6 months!!
I'm currently going every other day or there abouts, so Monday, Wednesday and Friday as recommended by various beginners workouts. But once I'm back in work no doubt this will vary depending on shifts.

I do a full body work out, taking it easy so far to get my body used to it and slowly rehabilitate my elbow. I warm up on the elliptical for 5-10 minutes then hit the resistance machines. I need to get into free weights but I'll get a personal trainer to show me the ropes first.

So far I'm loving it. Now let's see if I can make any changes.

Banana pancakes/omelettes:
How to make them?
1 ripe banana
2 eggs
teaspoon of coconut oil

Heat up the oil in a frying pan. Mush the eggs and banana together (or blend if you're fussy and don't want banana lumps). Pour into the frying pan, cook for a couple of minutes, flip, cook the other side. Add honey to taste and munch!