Sunday 29 March 2015

My expanding thighs, the death feeling and muscle pump

So I've been at this gym malarkey for 6 weeks now. No progress pictures as there's not much to see, but I might take one later.

So quick update on the measurements:
Weight 151lbs so I'm pretty much back at what I started with.

Bust 39 1/2
Waist 27 1/2
Hips 39 1/2
Thighs 24
Calves 16
Biceps 12

So my bust and waist haven't changed. But my legs! I know I gain muscle on my legs easily, but seriously 2 inches on my thighs and and inch on calves in 6 weeks, that's crazy. I've also gained on my hips, or rather my ass as it's starting to resemble an ass now and not a pancake.

I've sort of given up on doing my daily routine of squats/lunges/sit ups/planks/hoop etc. I need to get back into it, but I'm back at work full time and I'm now permanently exhausted and there's so much housework to do :(

It's definitely dawned on me that my diet needs looking at. I am making an effort and my diet is much improved until I see a giant Lindt chocolate bunny and decide to devour all 2500 calories in one sitting. Oh dear, that needs to stop. I'll get there, slowly.

Leg press machine
I must admit I'm fascinated by this piece of equipment, when I was introduced to it I was told to use 20kg or so, but I quickly upped that and now I'm doing 120kg easily and could do more. It's the only machine I don't push myself on as I'm a little scared by the numbers especially when I watch other people, men and women only pushing 20kg/30kg/40kg and some of them look wiped out afterwards. Plus given my ever expanding thighs maybe I shouldn't do too much leg work, I already have rugby player legs I don't need hulk legs!

Death feeling
Right I'm a little apprehensive about talking about this. Basically the death feeling is what I get after most workouts. I used to get it when I went to the gym aged 15 5 times a week. I sometimes get it when running/cycling/skating, but mostly in the gym. What is the death feeling?
Well I'll be working out quite happily, hot sweaty, good strong pulse, raised heart rate, feeling fantastic. Then all of a sudden the room will go quiet, everything seems far away, vision goes blurry, body goes freezing cold, I can no longer palpate a pulse but I can feel my heart having an erratic disco in my chest, I feel weak and exhausted, have terrible shakes and I have the most intense craving for sugar I've ever known.
When I get this I immediately stop my work out and cool down, I then shakily make my way back to the changing room and down a sugary protein shake, give it 5 minutes and I'm fine again.
It's weird, very weird and annoying. But I dare not get it checked out as I have too many health problems as it is.

Muscle pump
Haha, I've heard so much about muscle pump from friends, but never really thought it was something that could happen to me. Well I was wrong and I've learnt a vital lesson, always take loose fitting or stretchy close to get changed into after the gym. I had to go home in my gym clothes the other day as when I tried to get changed post workout my clothes no longer fit!! Yes muscle pump. They fit perfectly well going to the gym, but could I get my arms into my fitted shirt after, no chance!